and the fat lady sings!
Mistress is a blogger, but I can't tell you her blog name because it would be immoral of me to kiss and tell. The mistress regularly logs into my blog using an IP router so it 'disguises' her IP address. The dead giveaway that this is indeed her is that who else would be worried about disguising their address? This week she has been in Spain and Iran the very next day. Anyway, I don't care if she reads my blog, I am flattered that she is so infatuated with me!
I have a friend, a WORK colleague in fact, that created the user ID 'nautilus' so she could post on my blog. She had a template set up but had not posted anything on her blog. Anyway, this person I work with SWEARS alot, in fact she has SWORN everyday that she has worked at my place of employment, probably around the 15 year mark.
We were at work and my friend decided to log into her blog account, only to find that her password had been changed. Well blow me down! That is what happened when Mistress X hacked into my blog account, the passwords were somehow reset!
So being an EXPERT in the investigation field, my friend has made a few enquiries and has discovered that she has placed a comment on Mistress X's blogsite using her ID of 'nautilus'. Funnily enough, my colleague did not even KNOW Mistress X was a blogger! Circumstantial it may be, but in a CIVIL court you only need to 'tip the scales of probability', not 'prove beyond reasonable doubt' like in a criminal court of law.
My friend clicked on the 'nautilus' profile and indeed it took her to her blog title and chosen template set up. So we sat there and chuckled and chuckled. The Mistress was that desperate for comments on her blog that she had to hack into someone else's account, one of MY followers, to receive any comments on her post! So she not only wants to steal my husband, but she wants to steal my blog friends!
Anyway, now we get to the REALLY funny part of this story! My husband's first wife reads my blog. She has been the most amazing support to me (hello there SA!), and we email daily. I have never met her but we have the BEST friendship via email. It is a bit wierd really but I am so glad I 'met' her. First wife does not have a blog of her own, but comments frequently on my blog under her chosen user ID.
Now Mistress X 'knows' the first wife as both of them have had a few good sparring sessions in blog land. Mistress X knows first wife is a Metallica fan. Surprise! Surprise! The profile of 'nautilus' has now been changed and currently points to a Metallica page!
I somehow think Mistress X has barked up the wrong tree and assumed a classic case of mistaken identity! Perhaps one should never read anything into a persons comment or judge a book by its cover!
Is it 'Murphy's law' or the 'Luck of the Irish' that led to this discovery? I feel that this may just be the tip of the iceberg but this little black duck has let it slide like water off a duck's back.
And so the fat lady is now singing, or is that having the last laugh! HEE! HAW! HEE! HAW! But I gotta say the fat lady's favourite song is "These boots are made for walking".
I just can't seem to get the lyrics outta my head...."These boots are made for walking, And that's just what they'll do, And one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you....."
Come on guys, everyone knows this song. Turn up your speakers and sing along with me....... HEE! HAW! HEE! HAW!
That'll do Donkey! That'll do!