Monday, August 21, 2006

Shattered Vows - You may kiss the bride

Celebrant to John

"Now John do you take Jane to be your lawful wedded wife?"

John - "I do"

Celebrant to Jane

"And do you Jane take John to be your lawful wedded husband?"

Jane - "I do"

John to Jane

"I promise that I will always love you and always treasure our friendship. I will cherish our marriage in good times and in hard times. I call on everyone here to witness that I dedicate myself to you Jane, and to our marriage. I want to share with you a relationship of love and tenderness and laughter. We stand together through our past, our present and our future, sharing our love throughout our lives."

Jane to John

"I promise that I will always love you and always treasure our friendship. I will cherish our marriage in good times and in hard times. I call on everyone here to witness that I dedicate myself to you Jane, and to our marriage. I want to share with you a relationship of love and tenderness and laughter. We stand together through our past, our present and our future, sharing our love throughout our lives."

READING - "When Evening Falls"

"When evening falls I'll look to you and there you'll be.
And I'll take your hand and you'll take mine,
And we'll turn together and we'll look to the road we've travelled
to reach this far.....the hour of happiness.
It stretches far behind us,
but our future lies ahead.....
A long and winding road
where everything means discovery.
All the hopes, new laughter, shared tears,
The adventure has just begun."

RING VOWS - exchange of rings

With this ring, I wed you.
Take it and wear it,
As a token of my love,
And as a symbol of all that we share.

Celebrant to Bride and Groom

Inasmuch as you John and you Jane have here, in the presence of us all, freely agreed to marry the other, and have made between you a declaration of marriage, I now, as the celebrant by whom your marriage has been solemnised, and on behalf of all these people gathered here today, pronounce you husband and wife.

And so John and Jane become one.

I feel like my whole relationship was and is a lie. Not only has my husband lied to me, but he lied to every guest that was invited to share the joy of our marriage. I feel like I have been cheated. It is hard to come to terms with the fact that these vows meant so much to my husband on our wedding day but actually meant so little.

I removed my wedding ring some months ago. It still sits on my husband's bedside table. That ring meant so much to me and I treasured it, as my husband did his. He still wears his ring and NEVER took it off, still doesn't.

It breaks my heart to see the symbol of my husbands love just sitting there but I cannot bring myself to put it on as it no longer holds any meaning to me.

I can honestly say I will NEVER place that ring back on my finger.


Blogger Determined said...

shattered, how sad! Are you serious?

Tue Aug 22, 01:08:00 am AEST  
Blogger kissmekate said...

solarisgal it is sad. But I am extremely sentimental and that particular ring holds absolutely no value to me at all.

It now means broken promises, lies and deceit. It doesn't stand for any of the things we promised each other when we married.

Tue Aug 22, 09:25:00 am AEST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think another ring is in order then !

Tue Aug 22, 09:33:00 am AEST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u need not wear it! after all, what if, God forbid, ur husband does something like this again?!! once a cheater, always a cheater!

Tue Aug 22, 09:34:00 pm AEST  
Blogger kissmekate said...

If my husband does anything like this again he will be out of my life completely....and he knows this!

As far as a new ring goes...we'll see what happens. I am not ready to commit at this stage so I am not prepared to wear a wedding ring of any sorts.

I know it will cost him huge bucks to get me a new one because I have such little fingers I can't buy standard jewellery but usually get my rings custom made.

But then again he owes me big time !!

Tue Aug 22, 09:45:00 pm AEST  

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