Friday, July 14, 2006

If you love something ....

We are all familiar with this verse written by an unknown author.

If you love something set it free.
If it comes back, it was and always will be yours.

If it never returns,
It was never yours to begin with.

Well I can honestly say that I loved my husband enough to set him free when I found out about the affair. He actually told me he was in love with her, so as hard as it was, I told him to go if that was truly where he wanted to be. I have since told him this same thing again, probably 3 times in total.

And yet he remains here with me, wanting desperately to rebuild our marriage.

Shouldn't that tell me something? Why then am I still doubting his love for me? The flowers that he brings me, the romantic nights together, the love notes he leaves on my bedside table, the emails and SMS messages he sends me, the hugs and the constant flow of compliments......why are these not enough to ease my mind? Why am still feeling so unloved?

Tonight he has gone for an hour drive just to get me a bottle of Baileys and a Krispy Kreme donut, simply because I wanted one. And when he returns we are going to have a wonderful candlelit spa together, drinking Baileys on ice and listening to our wedding CD, like we often do, before watching a couple of DVD's.

We are watching "As Good as it Gets", starring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt, because this is what we saw on our first date together. And we also have "A City of Angels", starring Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan, because I just adore this movie. It is the ultimate sacrifice for love and it just makes me cry.

However, we will probably argue over which 'chick flick' as he simply adores "The Notebook" as he is a hopeless romantic and wants us to be hopelessly in love as we grow old together.

Well I can say this is the plan, but who knows what will happen!


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