Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Thanks but your assistance is no longer required!

I need to say thank you. You have breathed new life into my marriage. You were the much needed rescusitation and now my husband is breathing freely he has discarded you, the mask that was smothering him.

Only you still somehow keep trying to pump oxygen, despite the efforts of my husband and I to completely shut off the valve. Do you not realise that there is no oxygen left in your tank? Why not put yourself out of your misery and realise that your endless attempts to pump oxygen is only pumping toxic air into my husband's mask.

But then perhaps you should just keep pumping the toxins into him so I can continue to cleanse his soul. When he comes home to me and hugs me I wash away every toxin that you have covered him in. When he kisses me passionately I am breathing pure oxygen into his system and he breathes clean air once again. And need I state what it is that I give him when he makes passionate love to me.....


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