Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Totally blown away!

WOW! I am totally blown away by all the emails of support I have received! It appears that 'Totally Shattered' has a rather large following. I thank each and everyone of you for your emails to check that I am OK.

I was rather angry as you have already gathered by reading my posts. You should read the drafts I have! Maybe one day I will publish them, but then again, maybe I will just hit the delete button.

My blog is not intended to hurt anyone. It is purely an avenue for me to vent my thoughts and feelings as I try and rebuild my marriage. If my blog prevents just one person from experiencing or subjecting someone else to the pain of infidelity then I have achieved something significant.

I acknowledge that my blog is essentially a 'read only' blog with not a lot of room for comments. But rest assured, as asked in emails, I am more than happy for you to comment providing you have something constructive to say.

A beautiful email of support I received indicated that there are three sides to infidelity, not just two. I don't think this blogger had thought about the innocent party's side. But let me assure each and every person, despite all having their own spin on the affair, the only thing in common these 3 persons have is pain and heartache.

I have been doing it tough the last few days so my husband took the day off from work yesterday, which he has NEVER done before, and we had a wonderful day together. I am feeling much better and I will be back later in the week.

Thanks again for all your words of encouragement and support.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Wed July 05, 05:55:00 am AEST  
Blogger kissmekate said...

An excerpt from a comment I unfortunately had to delete due to names being mentioned...

"Just to clarify...there are 3 sides to every story. In this case, his, hers and the truth. ...I've always made a point of saying how hard it must be for everyone involved. ....I also think that there is no innocent party in this case,"

As I clearly stated in my post the only thing that is the same for all 3 people involved is pain and heartache.

I also disagree with your thoughts on the innocent party as I was not aware of any third party in my marriage. Perhaps I should change the word in that sentence to the unknowing party.

And as far as destroying poeople's lives I am too committed to rebuilding my marriage to have the time to destroy someone else's!

Wed July 05, 10:46:00 am AEST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


where is your email link so that i can join your supporters?

i know what you are saying....i feel your pain

Wed July 05, 11:11:00 am AEST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anon,

On my profile page you will find an email link.

You are more than welcome to email me.

Thanks for stoping by and reading my blog.

Wed July 05, 01:13:00 pm AEST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats swell

i wonder why it wasn't there before

i'll email you real soon

Wed July 05, 03:27:00 pm AEST  
Blogger S* said...

Well, if you must force me to use my name...I tried to stay anonymous cuz if people come to my blog, they may find out some details you don't want them to (just by default).

I stand by my destructive comment. Really, if it's all over, why are you guys bent on dragging it out (you know what I'm talking about). Why not just be happy and move along? You all have kids to think about. I also don't want to see you hurt, so I hope you're taking a good hard look at your hubby.

Wed July 05, 11:22:00 pm AEST  
Blogger kissmekate said...

S* I am happy to turn a blind eye but prehaps 'hide my ass' needs to have a good hard look at herself. I am NOT stupid!

I have the IP paths to prove it and yes it is a breach!

Wed July 05, 11:30:00 pm AEST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ok so hiding the IP didn't work, so I won't even bother this time.

There has been no breach. I am a supportive friend keeping an eye on things.

She just wants all of this to be OVER !

Thu July 06, 09:54:00 am AEST  
Blogger S* said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Fri July 07, 02:02:00 am AEST  

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